Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reason No. 231 Why I Love Living in Minnesota

Wild blackberries. Tonight Jill made a great dessert for the boys and for me (the drooling 'hanger arounder- at the right place at the right timer'). It was strawberry shortcake with a little surprise - wild blackberries.

I'm not sure that I have ever eaten wild blackberries until a couple of nights ago when Jill and I went on a walk with the boys at the park right by our house (see picture above - we live on Kopp Dr. and the park with the berries is Thompson County Park). On the walking paths 'in the woods' there were blackberry trees lining the trail on both sides. What a treat! And whoever said there is no such thing as a free lunch. The only price you might pay is getting a little sloppy and eating something poisonous. But apart from eating those attractive little red berries, (and sticking with what could only be blackberries or your occasional raspberry), you're home free.

So, on a walk today with the boys Jill picked up a cupful of these delicious berries. And I ate them for dessert. Are we blessed or what?

Just another reason I love living in Minnesota. Wild blackberries.


Ria said...

Seriously - your boys couldn't be more adorable! Our favorite surprise was raspberries that grew in our yard. I never liked raspberries until I had the fresh ones up there - they were the best! Hope you're having fun exploring MN. It's fun to explore in teh winter too - just takes a lot mroe clothes.

To Tell The Truth said...

So what are the other 230 reasons you love living in MN?

Ryan O'Hara said...

I thought I would start somewhere in the middle. Just a random number. Arbitrary, I guess.